
              Hello! I’m Campbell. Welcome to my blog!

              I decided to start this blog because I have a bunch of thoughts and interests that I'd like to share with the world!

              I am currently a senior in high school, but taking college classes at my local community college. Having loved art my whole life (not even exaggerating), I am planning on becoming a graphic designer. However, I have also loved writing my whole life (!), and I believe I have been gifted in it, as well as with ideas for stories! So, my endgame (too soon?) is to become an author, specifically of YA novels.

              I have very many interests in life! I, as previously stated, love art (drawing, specifically), writing (fiction is all I’ve really ventured into, besides the billions of essays and literature analyses I've written for school), books (Potterhead 4 Life), movies (especially franchises—can you guess which is my favorite? Hint, hint: check the last paragraph), music (twenty one pilots is amazing), dogs (I love them all, but my favorite one is my Pomeranian, Theo), and history (seriously, it's great--it's how we got where we are today). Steve Rogers is the best superhero and was right in Civil War (fight me), and Wonder Woman is probably the best thing to ever come from the DC universe—as well as being my favorite female superhero. Harry Potter is a wonderful, magical series that really made me love reading, and even inspired me a bit to become a writer. Speaking of which, I am currently working on a dystopian young adult novel which I hope to publish and share with the world someday (yikes!).

              What do I hope to get out of my blog, you ask? I hope for a few things with this—like I said before, I have ideas I want to share. I would also like a base to share my interests and opinions with the world, as well as tips and advice and whatever else comes to mind. I do also feel like this will equip me with some social media skills (which I will need in my line of work someday, whether it be graphic design or writing), as well as acting as a sort of motivation to sprint to the finish line of my book.

              Bottom line: I have some things to say, and I think the world might like to hear them, or I would like them to hear it.

              So, without much further ado, welcome to my blog: the home of sarcastic ramblings, nerdy discussions, word-laden posts, meaningful thoughts, and more. 

              Welcome to wit and lit! I hope you stick around.


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