STORY STRUCTURE part 3: theme + conflict
Back on the STORY STRUCTURE series! I hope this series could help you understand more about how to outline and plan your story. You can find part one here and part two here . As is customary, I remind you these are my own ways of thinking of these things! I am not yet an author, but I feel that understanding these things is helping me on my way to becoming a successful author. So, don't mistake me more qualified than I am! These are simply the things I know about story structure. We're getting to the more interesting parts today! In this post we are going to cover conflict and theme . You might be thinking, gee, Campbell, those don't sound interesting at all . I hope you're not thinking that! They mostly interest me because of how much they shape your story--these things, in essence, are your story. Because these are such crucial elements, I'm going to explain what I know, using some examples from literature through the years! Be wary of spoilers below! ...